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Android App: How to create a post, story or reel

Learn how to create a post on Hopper HQ's Android Mobile App

Isabel avatar
Written by Isabel
Updated over a year ago

Hopper HQ Android App

How to create a post, story or reel:

  1. Open the Hopper HQ App

  2. Click the + button in the top right

  3. Choose between creating:

    1. Post

    2. Story

    3. Reel

  4. Upload media

  5. Complete your media

    1. Add more media to create a carousel

    2. Image editor

    3. Crop

    4. Tag Accounts

    5. Change Media

    6. Delete

  6. Enter a caption

  7. Add a First Comment

  8. Add Location

  9. Choose Post Time

  10. Choose the accounts the post will publish to (Find out more about multi-platform scheduling)

  11. Save ✨

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