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Hopper HQ Hashtags

Learn more about Hopper HQ's Hashtag feature

Isabel avatar
Written by Isabel
Updated over a week ago

The most efficient way to research hashtags is within your scheduling tool.

Research and implement your hashtag strategy whilst you plan, create and schedule your social media posts with Hopper HQ.

Whilst it's not a one-size-fits-all approach, the industry hashtag best practice is:

  • 2-3 hashtags per post on Facebook

  • 3-5 hashtags per post on LinkedIn

  • 2 hashtags per post on Twitter

  • 3-5 hashtags per post on Instagram (unless adding more in the first comment)

  • 3-5 hashtags per post on TikTok

  • 5-10 hashtags per post on YouTube

  • 2-8 hashtags per post on Pinterest

Hashtag Explorer

Hopper HQ's Hashtag Explorer is the next-level tool to nail your hashtags.

We've equipped you with the ability to search any hashtag, directly compare multiple hashtags, create and edit hashtag groups, format hashtags for posts and explore hashtag categories.

# Hashtag Search

Search any hashtag

Search for related hashtags

Directly compare multiple hashtags

View and sort hashtags by metrics:

  • No. posts using the # of all time

  • No. posts using the # daily

  • Competition of the #

  • No. comments on posts with the #

  • No. likes on posts with the #

# My Hashtags

Create or edit hashtag groups

Pull hashtags from the built-in search function, or, upload hashtags via CSV. upload

Set hashtag formatting for posts

All hashtag groups will be accessible when creating posts in Hopper HQ

# Hashtag Categories

Search for hashtags by category

# Trending Hashtag

See and analyse live trending hashtags

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